
Delicious, local and responsible

Bring your employees together for a convivial lunch! Seasonal, varied and generous recipes. The products are of high quality and the menus are prepared by chefs with exceptional know-how.

Enter the delicorner kitchen

Discover our range :


Among local and seasonal products, 2 starters are proposed: classic or vegetarian.

Main courses

Our chefs systematically offer you 3 dishes: meat, fish or vegetarian.


2 desserts are available: healthy or gourmet and always delicious !

Welcome to our clients' offices new-coeur

To start the experience,
It's a doddle !

Choose your frequency, menus and quantities

Receive your lunches at the dates and times you request. Enjoy your lunch!

The green gesture: the packaging is 100% recycled!

Bonus !

Comme au restaurant

Our recipes are developed by renowned chefs who put their experience and knowledge into the elaboration of your menus.

The menu is the result of a systematic exchange between chefs and producers to optimise the seasonality of the products cooked.

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    We work for a better world !